Your Marketing Partner

To succeed in today’s market, busy sales staff need to maximize time and minimize expenses. GSASC's Business Partner program is a unique sponsorship program in order to provide maximum contact with Georgia’s ASC community at minimal cost.

Cost is $695 annual and benefits include:

  • Semi-annual listing of all licensed ASCs in Georgia (in an electronic format).
  • 20% discount on February Exhibitor Registration, two week Priority Registration
  • 10% discount on August Sponsorship, two week Priority Registration
  • Quarterly recognition in the GSASC Gazette
  • 20% discount on advertisements in Gazette - The GSASC Newsletter.  Advertisements range from $175 - $350 or quarter, half, and full page ad placements. The newsletter is published in March, June, September, and December. Download insertion order here.
  • Recognition on the GSASC website

Support Georgia's ASCs. Become a Business Partner today!

Join Now

Questions? Please contact Mary Landry at [email protected].