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The Ambulatory Surgery Center – Georgia Political Action Committee (ASC-GA PAC), on behalf of the Georgia Society of Ambulatory Surgery Centers, represents the political interests of Georgia ambulatory surgery centers and their patients. Funds raised through contributions are used to show bipartisan support of our friends in the Georgia legislature who champion the causes and concerns important to the ASC industry and medicine in our state.


Our mission is to maintain and strengthen political support for legislative issues facing ASCs, physicians and their patients throughout Georgia.  We do this by gaining support from the ASC community and supporting elected officials who champion our causes.  The Georgia ASC-GA PAC helps these officials get elected and re-elected, so they can continue to help our patients and our profession, as the force of opposition grows stronger.


  • Protecting CON reform
  • Protecting tort reform
  • Prompt pay legislation
  • Silent / rental network reform
  • Workers comp issues
  • Formation of a statewide trauma system and funding


Without the support of informed officials, the integrity of medicine and patients safety in Georgia will be in jeopardy.  We must ensure that our supporters have the resources to remain in office.  We need to elect legislators who care about patient choice in the healthcare delivery system through Georgia.

The ASC industry must remain engaged in policy debate in the political arena.  As we face well-organized, well-funded and determined adversaries who expend resources on capturing political clout, we must be equally well prepared.  Our friends in the legislature will help us stand strong in support of what is in the best interest of our centers and our patients.


You can help preserve the future of the ASC industry, patient choice and safety.  Show legislators that you care about maintaining the quality and integrity of ambulatory care in Georgia.  Our elected officials need to hear from you about how and where medicine should be practiced now and in the future!

Your contribution supports candidates for office that share our philosophy and vision for the future of medicine and healthcare in Georgia.